My WordPress Romance & Some Google Search Love

November 19, 2010
The clamour is Google.  iGoogle.  Google rankings.  “Lets Google it.” And the all-insightful Google Analytics.  You may have Buzzed, you…...
My WordPress Romance & Some Google Search Love featured image

The clamour is Google.  iGoogle.  Google rankings.  "Lets Google it." And the all-insightful Google Analytics.  You may have Buzzed, you may use Chrome, and you might have helped fill in a Google document online.  How Googl-icious!

[caption id="attachment_2996" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Google search and your wordpress website Juancho 507[/caption]

When I originally heard this word "Google," I thought of Koogle peanut butter - a groovy jar on the shelf next to the Peter Pan and Smuckers in the 1970s. (My mother only allowed us to have it a few times, but I remember it being yummy).  It was the late 1990s when a college freshman mentioned Google to me - Surely a computer search engine could NOT be that exciting.

Even in recent days, I have been less enthused to paint all my stripes Google than others in my industry.  Sure - I'd use it, but if I happened to be on another site with a search bar, I'd venture to see what I found.  But I gotta say, I'm warming up to the big G's primary colors...

Today, I was working on a project for an Ohio based non-profit.  I wanted to get to their website from a search engine beginning with a letter almost at the end of the alphabet.  A few things to consider:

  • Their website was created for them by another party.
  • The website is a spruced-up Blogspot site.
  • I work on the social media and email marketing for this organization.

Here's what happened:

I typed the website into the search bar.  That took me to a page with a myriad of choices.  The first listing was the organization's Facebook Page (hey, I'm doin' something right!). The second option was of a recently uploaded YouTube video about the project by someone I was unaware of.  Then a self-hosted blog post from another similar project in another nearby state updated in mid-August.  Clicking all the choices, the website I was looking for did not even appear on this search engine's list of options - 2 pages!!

But Google Search listed it in The Number 1 Slot...

Results: My heart pounded a bit harder for Google. Connect that with my experience of last week:

I sat in on a webinar about utilizing Wordpress as a marketing tool.  There, the facilitator talked about the basic functions, the newer Wordpress 3.0, combining a blog with email marketing and social media, and how all of this affects your Search Engine Results (SERPS - Google rankings).

When the gentleman told us that his posts from 3.0 were sometimes making it to Google in about 20 minutes, I was convinced that what I've been learning about social media naturally driving SEO is correct.  Additionally, the Wordpress 3.0 configured sites are reportedly pretty mobile-friendly (increasingly important as more and more people access the web from their mobile phones)!

As I've been watching other bloggers and their techniques, my recent recommendation to clients and potential clients has been to "get blogging on a self-hosted Wordpress blog!"  In re-configuring my own website I've become more aware of the new Wordpress 3.0 and cannot wait to go live and conjure-up some "Google love!!"

Morals of the story?

  1. Start blogging - NOW!
  2. Do it from a self-hosted Wordpress format.
  3. Promote your posts through other social media outlets.
  4. Send me the links so I can follow and help promote.
  5. Get Googling, baby! :)

What are your thoughts about Google?  Anybody blogging via Wordpress 3.0 and want to share?

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