Not quite a year ago, I wrote a post talking about my goals for 2011. At that time, influenced by Mari Smith's words, I chose my theme word for the year: "Refresh." Throughout the year, the decisions and actions I made were meant to refresh my position to be in a different place at the end of twelve months.
[caption id="attachment_2440" align="alignright" width="254"] Image credit: Daria Pew[/caption]
A couple of times I hit the virtual purple "refresh" button to get back on track. But, for the most part, this exercise was successful!
Very recently I celebrated Thanksgiving here in the United States with my family and friends. This is naturally a time to reflect on all that we are thankful for, and people that have touched our lives in meaningful ways.
My 2011 Gratitude Honor Roll
2011 was a game-changing year for me, and I have a great deal to be thankful for. My gratitude list features those that refreshed my life...
1) Mari Smith
For inspiring me to adopt the one-word-theme plan. And for rocking my learning and networking circles! She has recommended several of the tools I use to be efficient, and keeps me up to date on current trends and technologies.
2) Janet Callaway
The Natural Networker - Her claim to fame fits well! She is probably the most grounded and well-intentioned people in my online circles. A class act! Janet, without knowing it, colored my online world with a different palette, and made my online world a groovier place. I'm proud to be a Networking Peep - A Triberr tribe of fabulous people!
3) Dorien Morin-van Dam
A great collaborator! She should teach "Collaboration 101." Dorien and I met via Pages Gone Wild, and kept in touch. This year we hosted the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like together. And our working relationship becomes more and more fruitful. While everyone won the Facebook Game of Like, I feel I struck gold in my friend, Dorien. I'm thrilled to have her with me in another Triberr tribe - Birds Of A Feather. :)
4) Dabney Porte & Britt Michaelian
These two exceptional women created something called Social Media Girlfriends. A 24/7 Twitter chat, an outlet on Facebook, and a supportive blog that "brings brilliance together on a global level." Dabney & Britt define social sparkle, and sprinkle delicious Diva Dust wherever they are online. Every day I enjoy finding pretty-in-pink #SMgirlfriend tweets in my Twitter stream. I've met some awesome women through their work in connecting people, and I only look forward to more!
You can experience some sparkle too:
Did you listen more than once?
5) Christian Hollingsworth
Even though he sings of being "Irresponsible," this young man is anything but! He has inspired many small business owners with online marketing wisdom, and gives me a thing or many to strive for. Christian was a gracious "guest star" on my Facebook Page earlier this year, and my Facebook community was energized for the experience. A true gentleman, I'm completely enthused to know Christian - We also flock together in Birds Of A Feather. I can't wait to see what he does in 2012!
6) Yomar Lopez
This guy has taken online murky mysteries and turned things clear for me! I'm especially thankful for Yomar's time and energy to take a look under my website's hood, and for enthusiastically introducing me to the uber-groovy, Squidoo. I still have some things to learn about the technicalities of SEO. But "Yogizilla" as we call him, at Birds Of A Feather has offered terrific insight. It is totally his fault that I have a published article on Search Engine People, and a recurring spot there during 2012!! :)
7) Knikkolette Fahrendorf Church
Knikkolette is Your Social Media Mogul indeed! She organizes online communities I belong to that really make the difference in amplifying my brand. Knikkolette is sweet, savvy, and a great connector. We originally connected through conversations about Klout (the online influencer?), and more recently share a Triberr tribe. I am grateful for her leadership, and honored to be featured in her article about Auto-Posting.
8 ) Jason Yormark
Jason.....ROCKS! He's an amazing online marketing mind, and is fabulous at what he does. A true leader, he is engaged with his audience, and they really respond to him. His tweets have brought the most viewers to my site this year. I have enjoyed learning more about Jason through Networking Peeps!
9) Birds Of A Feather
Mentioned above a few times, this is a special group of people I truly trust and enjoy. Twenty-one true professionals of their craft - I'm genuinely honored to flock with them at Triberr. They have offered fun, friendship, and support. You will often find their content featured in my Twitter stream - Wise words from marvelous minds! Each offers the group a special talent related with social media, and they are located all over the globe. BOAF makes my world sing!!!
10) Triberr
Until writing this article it did not occur to me just how much this platform is responsible for nurturing my online connections...
Since I hopped on with Networking Peeps, I've formed friendships with so many wonderful people, I am not sure what my social network would look like had I not gotten involved! Dan & Dino keep working toward higher achievements and more benefits for bloggers. No wonder Triberr has been nominated for (and even won) awards for online platform ingenuity! Today we learned what's in store for the short-term, and I am convinced 2012 will be a killer year for "The Reach Amplifier!" Heartfelt thanks to two pioneers!!
Again, my sincere gratitude to those listed above.
There are certainly others that have made a refreshing impact on my 2011. During 2012, I look forward to discussing, more frequently, those who make a difference.
From Refresh... To Where?
Choosing a theme word for 2011 was a successful endeavor. So, I plan to jump in to 2012 with a theme...
As I review this year, and consider my goals for the next, 2012 looks quite promising.
Words that would fit:
- Build
- Balance.
- Energize.
- Collaborate.
It might be that I combine two words for a "theme phrase."
I'll keep you posted -- I hope you will tell me about your 2011 and what is in store for you in 2012! :)
Have you tried a one-word theme?
What is your process for staying on track with goals over a year?
Please share thoughts in the comment box below...