Very recently, I was asked to talk about my experience with brand strategy and B2C Marketing...
A Past Life
Part of my previous experience involves the forward movement of national nonprofit organizations.
In those situations I was working as an integral part of a core team that leveraged very personal connections. This included engaging a team of my own staff, but also working in conjunction with others in my position to connect directly with customers and assure completion of national goals.
There was NO list of prospects in that line of work.
To complete one transaction I would connect with 50 to 250 people.
A few achievements:
- There are those that would only work with me based on my standards and expectations.
- One organization would tell you they have national marketing materials because of me.
- I was chosen to be designated by the government for work with special grant programs, and I was chosen to lead pilot programs and first ventures due to my positive reputation.
It was very B2C!
Chief Marketing Officer at Idea Girl Media
Representing my own brand, I have worked on social media marketing and branding strategies at the national and international levels with:
- International companies.
- Small business brands.
- Local businesses.
- Retail locations.
- Nonprofit organizations.
- Independent consultants.
- Political candidates.
- A private trust.
Most people would view my activities as B2B (Business to Business).
For those clients I have worked to gain maximum viewer impressions for their messages calculating key online social interaction with target demographics during peak time periods.
As a corporate trainer, I have worked with key employees to customize social media strategy that empowers employees and associates – worldwide – on their social networking practices.
For one local business, I organized a social media promotion meant to reach only the US and Canada.
But you cannot stop social interaction online – the impact increased to a larger international scale. (That company is now re-examining and re-tooling to determine if they can and want to service the demand created).
For Idea Girl Media, I have utilized a content marketing strategy.
Some newer achievements:
- I have grown fan/follower bases as much as 342% and 903%.
- My email marketing efforts have brought consistent open ratios between 36-44%.
- In a 30-day period I've grown my Twitter following 12.5%.
- The #1 answer on the Quora social network is mine for this question on social media strategists.
My operation has been open to providing services on an international basis, and my collaborators are global.
Here's a current image of my audience:

Looking Forward - Brand Strategy & B2C Marketing
As businesses and nonprofits look to jump into the social media-sphere, it would be irresponsible not to consider:
- The world economy has shifted.
- The national economy has shifted.
- The Internet encourages an international Ecommerce system.
- All businesses compete with each other for the buying decision of all customers.
The Internet is a 7/24/365 place.
More specifically, things happen and evolve all day, every day of the year.
It never stops! And it builds bridges and shrinks borders.
Social media has changed the way that people do business, and the way businesses must consider marketing their products and services.
The leader is now...the customer.
We can no longer employ only "print & broadcast" type marketing. (push marketing)
Even though marketing trends have changed, one thing hasn’t changed – PEOPLE. Consumers want first to learn information that provides them value…and they want to engage!
Think about it: Do YOU purchase a car or flat screen TV without learning about it first?
Who do you buy from?
I’m willing to bet from someone you know, like, and trust – someone you have a relationship with.
Social Media Allows National Brands To Relate With Individual Consumers
Consumers now find their information and connect with brands on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn and even others.
- Facebook = 750 million active users; 155 million in the US.
- Twitter = 200 Million users.
- LinkedIn = 100+ Million users; Now the #2 social network in the US.
Millions of Americans claim to check their Facebook before they check their email each day!
About 1/3 of American users check their Facebook -- before getting out of bed! From their mobile phones – a very personal device that is always with them.
People are connecting with brands on social networks and finding ways to relate with brands that alters the marketing landscape. We now hear the words, “social customer.”
Big brands are choosing frequently to engage on Facebook to interact with people where they already are – where they are most comfortable.
We can choose to connect...or we can choose to be irrelevant.
But don’t take my word for it!
According to TechCrunch, more Americans are on Facebook than have a passport. [Infographic]
Emarketer recently released their findings that executives fail to focus on social media strategy.
[quote author="Emarketer Mobile"] Many companies may be using social media marketing, but those that choose not to focus on a social strategy risk falling behind the curve in integrating social media with their overall marketing goals. Recognizing the importance of strategy alone isn’t enough; companies should start implementing a plan.[/quote]
Jeremiah Owyang of the Altimeter Group takes the position that businesses should already be engaging socially, and has analyzed how businesses are and could be budgeting this activity.
How Corporations Should Prioritize Social Business Budgets [SlideShare]
It's Not B2B or B2C: It's B2P
Considering a marketing strategy utilizing social media and putting B2P most forward makes differentiating between B2B and B2C...
At that point, an organization does not need to limit their goals and functions to local, regional, or national concern, but could consider their operation and their brand on a world-class field.
A clever non-profit could:
- Encourage calculated growth and programming on an international level.
- Court international investors.
- Qualify for additional forms of funding.
- Empower people to be innovative and inventive on a global scale.
And, really, so could any business!
Summing It Up
To isolate social media behind a curtain where B2B and B2C concerns are most important assures a social strategy where ROI cannot fully be attained.
According to Mohan Sawhney of Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Business and author of The Global Brain:
[quote author="Mohan Sawhney"] Social Customers are driving Innovation, they are empowered and collaborative, they are drivers and initiators of effective innovation and are increasingly viewed as a strategic asset to companies. Today’s customer is looking for a personalized experience and relationship, demanding solutions rather than products.[/quote]
Meaning, that an effective strategy going forward is not primarily concerned with B2B or B2C….but B2P =
Business to People.
What are your experiences?
Do you agree? Disagree...?
Please tell me your thoughts on Business to People in the comment box below... :)