Facebook 2012: Schedule Future Posts Right On Your Page!

Posted June 4, 2012 Social Media MarketingTutorials
Facebook have introduced post scheduling for your Facebook Page. This will help to solve some of the issues with EdgeRank that…...

Top 5 Facebook Apps For Creating A LIKEable Brand Page

Posted May 29, 2012 ReviewsSocial Media Marketing
There’s a wide variety of Facebook apps to chose from for your Facebook  Page and Profile, but which ones will…...

Facebook Direct Messages: Has Your Brand Been Spammed?

Posted April 23, 2012 Social Media Marketing
Seriously there is no hiding from spam! It doesn’t matter what social media platform you’re on or which email service…...

Social Media Professionals: The Modern Day Clark Kent?

Posted April 20, 2012 Social Media Marketing
Social media professionals have to learn to work smart due to all of the information and data that they need…...

Content Marketing: Are You Princess Di Or Donkey?

We start our content marketing campaigns with all good intentions. Unfortunately, unless we re-evaluate the content that we’re publishing on…...

Facebook Timeline For Page Owners Working With An Admin

Posted April 8, 2012 Social Media MarketingTutorials
There was a major announcement about the future of Facebook for Brands on February 29, 2012. Here’s my take on…...

Commonly Asked Questions About Timeline For Facebook Pages

Posted March 16, 2012 ReviewsSocial Media Marketing
The announcement of Timeline for Facebook Pages has left many small business Facebook page owners a little daunted. I’ve put…...

Facebook Timeline: Publishing Your Brand Page

Posted March 7, 2012 Social Media MarketingTutorials
A first look at what the new Facebook Timeline is going to do for Brands.  Join me in this overview…...

Facebook 102: How To Use Facebook Pages As Your Brand Name

Posted February 12, 2012 Social Media MarketingTutorials
When we jump on Facebook, we set up our personal account, connect with friends and family, and off we go…...

The Pleasures Of Owning Your Online Real Estate

Posted January 16, 2012 Content MarketingSocial Media Marketing
The whole reason to have a website and be online is: To be found.  In turn, we hope it leads…...