Twitter Tip: Use Hashtags To Attract New Followers

April 29, 2011
Don’t let my Tweet Topics stay a secret – Subscribe to my RSS Feed. I promised you an Easter Basket of…...
Twitter Tip: Use Hashtags To Attract New Followers featured image

Idea Girl Media teaches you how to attract more Twitter followers using hashtagsDon't let my Tweet Topics stay a secret - Subscribe to my RSS Feed.

I promised you an Easter Basket of social media tips.  Below is the latest “golden egg” – just for you! :)


The cocktail party of social media.  Or, as some say, the social media telephone.

Of the social networks, this 140 character communication channel seems to stump the most people.

But really, once you get going, and understand the @replies, the RTs, and the #FFs, Twitter really can be fun!

So, What's A Hashtag?

You saw one a few lines above - #FF (short for "Follow Friday").  Every Friday on Twitter you can give credit to those you feel are groovy in your Twitter stream.  Quite nifty!

Hashtags are used to call attention to a word or phase as a topic.

Here are some example hashtags to look for:

  • #Facebook
  • #socialmedia
  • #smallbiz
  • #nonprofit
  • #blogchat
  • #b2b
  • #govt

Today, popular hashtags were: #RoyalWedding, #RoyalWedBiz, #proudtobebritish, and #NASA.

Use Hashtags To Attract New Followers

Hashtags are quite often used for events, and socially savvy group members will tweet from conferences, gatherings, and webinars using a specific hashtag.

Here is a collection of my tweets from a recent webinar done by HubSpot on "5 Key Tools On Effective Facebook Marketing":

Tweeting with #hashtags is a great way to publicize online what you and what your organization are all about.

You can direct friends, colleagues, and potential customers to look for a hashtag that you assign.  In turn, they will hopefully be intrigued enough to follow you and become more involved in your business or nonprofit efforts.

You can also search for hashtags based on your interests -- There are many, many!

By picking up on hashtags, you can find others to follow, and in turn, they may follow you too.  At the very least, you have found others with like interests.

Any questions about Hashtags?

What did I miss?

How will you use #hashtags in your Twitter strategy?

Please tell me in the comment box below! :)

** Have you tried the Facebook Send button yet?  Try it - look below...


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