Triberr: Supercharge Your Social Networking

June 14, 2011
Are you a blogger? Are you also on Twitter? (If not….why?) Every business and entrepreneur, solopreneur, and business consultant needs to…...
Triberr: Supercharge Your Social Networking featured image

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media is a member of Triberr - The reach multiplier for bloggers on TwitterAre you a blogger?

Are you also on Twitter?

(If not....why?)

Every business and entrepreneur, solopreneur, and business consultant needs to be blogging.

It establishes you as professional within your field and brings credibility.

In addition, blogging contributes positively to your website's SEO.

I've talked about this previously a few times, however...

As content marketing becomes more relevant, I'd like to give more highlight to an online resource that could rock the socks off your website traffic AND your social networking!


Triberr is dubbed “the reach multiplier,” for bloggers on Twitter.

Triberr focuses on dispersing quality content through collective circles of people with like interests.

So, lets say you are an author....

You could connect with a tribe (group) of other authors.  From there, every time you make a post to your blog, your quality content is tweeted "automagically" by everyone in your tribe to their followers!

The same would be true for home schoolers, dog breeders, foodies, realtors, insurance agents, social media consultants, video producers, small business owners, nonprofit stakeholders, etc.  Anyone that to "tribes-up."  :)

For me, it has:

A Networking Peep

Introducing my "home tribe":

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media is part of the Networking Peeps Tribe on Triberr

Excited and proud to be part of such a wonderful group of social networkers!

As you can see above, there are nine people in our tribe, and we have an extended reach of over 200,000 people.  Every time we post to our blogs, the title of the post is tweeted to all tribe members' followers, along with a link to the article.

Birds Of A Feather

I created this tribe from my online network of active bloggers on Twitter:

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media formed the Birds Of A Feather Tribe at Triberr

A groovy group of social media professionals!

This group is still developing, and new faces will appear in that image soon.

A Word From The Co-Founders

"Triberr is my way of rebelling against safe and boring.  Triberr gives a fighting chance to the blogger with an original and disruptive voice to be heard not only over the noise of the blogsphere, but over the drowning onslaught brought on by the lucky few." ~Dino Dogan

Dan Cristo offers information about fabulous new features that will be added to the platform...

"The first new feature that we'll be rolling out is Karma Points. We're implementing "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" icons next to both posts and members. Tribe members can vote up or down both - one vote per member. The purpose of Karma points is to help bring accountability to the tribe. High quality posts and members have positive Karma, and low quality members will have bad Karma. Voting will be anonymous, but the score will be visible to all."

Also in the plan:

* Genealogy - meaning that if you invite members who incur bad karma, it will reflect poorly on you as well.  Karma points will be factored into quality scores and other in-game activities.

* Headline Testing - This is a hot or not voting area to test new headline ideas for your blog titles. This will be important, because poor headlines usually result in low click through rates which will again affect quality scores.

* Questing - Mini adventures within Triberr - the idea of quests that users can complete.  Quests will help members setup their account properly, explore the advanced features of the site and engage with members in new ways.  There will of course be rewards for completing quests.  (More details closer to launch).

What Others Are Saying

"Triberr is a jet pack for your content." ~Andrew Hanelly
"Triberr is a fabulous way to grow your own network.  The people in my tribe have now become close colleagues on social media.  The relationships in my tribes are greater than the purpose for gathering, which is so valuable in today's connected culture." ~Paul Flanigan
"Triberr has been a great addition to helping promote my blog.  In just a few short weeks, my Twitter exposure has more then tripled by joining forces with like minded bloggers through the Triberr platform.  An invaluable and frequently used tool to say the least." ~Jason Yormark
"Triberr has been awesome for both my business and me personally.  First I've received referrals from the folks in my tribes.  Second, I've been introduced to so many new awesome people that I am forming relationships with.  Third, I'm able to introduce my clients to yet an even larger audience.  At the end of the day it's getting me more business, more relationships, and helping me do the same for my clients.  Pure awesome." ~Robert Dempsey

Invite-only To The Reservation

The Triberr platform is set up to make everything easy.

But the core idea idea is to promote quality content.

So, as a method of checks and balances, you must receive an invitation to participate.

Want to be part of the fun!?  Contact me for an invite - I'll help you find the right tribe for you.

Ready to electrify your social networks?

What questions do you have about Tribing?

Please tell me your thoughts and questions in the box below... :)

(This article is meant to share, so feel free to tweet or send!)

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