Is Your Hiring Process A Mess?

April 11, 2022
For many companies a traditional hiring process works. For small and medium size businesses, it may not be realistic. There…...
Is Your Hiring Process A Mess? featured image

For many companies a traditional hiring process works. For small and medium size businesses, it may not be realistic. There are laws and guidelines that take time or manpower. This article will help you be organized and efficient...

Six Steps To Design An Easy Hiring Process Template For Small Business Owners

Hiring new people for your business will eventually be necessary, if not already needed. If you've done a good job with business development, you will need to add employees to handle workloads going forward.

Finding people who can do the job in a timely and professional manner is sometimes challenging. The labor market is tight, and there are always new rules and laws you must follow. 

Fortunately, it doesn’t need to be very difficult. In this article, we take a look at how to keep your hiring methods from becoming a mess or fixing the problem if things have gotten out of control.

Is your hiring process a mess? Here are six tips to use as a hiring process checklist.

1. Write Better Job Postings

You want to start with well-written job postings. It should be clear what you expect from candidates. This will save you time -- You won’t get applications from people who are confused about what the role entails.

The more specific you can be, the more likely you are to find quality candidates to fill positions in your company.

2. Make Applications Easy

Don’t be one of these employers who makes it as hard as possible for people to apply and join the firm. Avoid long and complicated applications processes: these put candidates off and don’t really give you much information about what a person will actually be like once they are on your staff. 

To minimize the work involved, consider using the easy apply function through LinkedIn.

3. Leverage AI-Powered Candidate Screening In Your Hiring Process

Artificial intelligence technology isn’t perfect. But it’s good enough to figure out which candidates are likely a good fit for your team and which are not.

Additionally, many systems come with applicant tracking. Which means that you can easily follow each person as they make their way through the pipeline.

CV screening is an option too, eliminating the need to process every resumé manually.

4. Get Outside Help For HR

Onboarding can be challenging, especially with temporary employees. There’s so much additional administration that you will need to weigh if it is worth it for your business. 

Many firms get HR for temporary employees. The idea here is to outsource all of the paperwork and scheduling, allowing the core business to continue functioning as normal but take on more staff at the same time.

Idea Girl Media recommends When Hiring New Employees Look For A Good Communicator With A Unique Edge

5. Have More Than One Team Member Do Interviews

Leaving all your hiring decisions down to a single hiring manager sounds efficient, but it’s actually a high-risk strategy. They are just one person, with their own perspective. Their hiring decisions alone may be too narrow. 

To fix this, hire people on the basis of joint decisions. Involve senior managers for the most promising candidates and then cross-examine them accordingly. Get insight from all interviewers before final decisions are made. 

6. Engage Candidates Proactively In Your Hiring Process

Companies often get into trouble when they fail to actively communicate with candidates about their applications. If workers don’t hear back from you quickly, they will assume that your firm isn’t particularly conscientious and that it doesn’t take the needs of workers all that seriously. 

The trick here is to create a winning candidate experience, even if you do not hire everyone who progresses through the process. The better you can make yourself appear to applicants, the more likely they are to want a job and stay longer with your organization.

Also consider keeping a constant search for good talent for future positions. In turn, when there is an opening you can quickly fill it.

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