How To Navigate The New Facebook Timeline

October 4, 2011
There is one thing that seems constant… Facebook is always changing. In 2011, Facebook changed social media! Soon, everyone’s personal…...
How To Navigate The New Facebook Timeline featured image

[caption id="attachment_2328" align="alignright" width="122" caption="Image Credit: Bill Frymire"]Idea Girl Media expains how to navigate the new Facebook Timeline[/caption]

There is one thing that seems constant...

Facebook is always changing.

In 2011, Facebook changed social media!

Soon, everyone's personal profile will be converted over to the new Timeline.

Facebook designed Timeline to be, "the story of our lives."

There are many new features - The appearance is vastly different!

So how do you maneuver all this groovy new stuff?

How To Navigate The New Facebook Timeline

Personal Profile = Timeline

While the look is quite changed, your new Facebook profile is!

Let me walk you through, step-by-step:

Like an online Scrapbook, eh?

Really, the main functions are much the same, just arranged differently.  And, we have a few new groovy bells and whistles!

Two columns are nice.  Note: When someone shares information that you also shared, this will appear on your timeline until your details become more summarized.  Summarizing occurs gradually as time goes on.  You'll quickly notice who is sharing your posts -- pretty nifty.

As you add important life events, you can do this right at your Status Update bar, or from your Timeline screen.  Edit your Timeline at any time -- Add something to the timeline, or take something off.  Over time, summarized years look more and more like Infographics, or image visuals of your life.

Facebook's new cover banner offers a supreme opportunity!

A big thumbs-up on the Timeline cover!  You not only get your profile picture, but also a large "home-base" image.  Change it every day, keep it the same forever, or have a few that you rotate throughout the year...

Express yourself as an individual, draw attention to your business or organization, or a combination of the two.  The video above reveals approximate dimensions of the cover banner size.

Savvy users can be as creative as they like and customize their own cover image.  For those that like it quick & simple, try CoverJunction.  They have several banner images to choose from in 44 categories.

Want even more marketing or branding space?

Your photo square just below the cover banner can feature any image you wish!  Do nothing, and this image  will change as you add photos.  Or, choose a specific photo and tag yourself.  If you have previously used to feature a themed graphic, you will need to take that out of your timeline.

Harmonize Your Timeline

Facebook Timeline is multi-dimensional.

Were you dazzled with the new look and features?  It doesn't stop there! 

Facebook has developed relationships with some favorite digital media companies to bring us apps that will make our experience both enjoyable and action-oriented.  Their goal is to let us share more and discover more with friends to express who we are.  App types:

  • Media - Music, movies, tv, news, books.
  • Lifestyle - Anything you do in your life.
  • Games - Example: Words With Friends.

Take a quick listen...

Ready for more fun...?

Adding apps is meant to be easy, and using them as simple as one click of your mouse.  The video above takes you through how to both add and use them.

Music apps seem to be the most popular - probably because they are the most developed.  I see Spotify used the most.  It is available for mobile devices, just like Facebook.  So take your fun where ever you go!

App activity does go into the Ticker on the Home screen, so be sure to check your privacy settings if you don't want all of your friends to know everything you read or listen to.

Much Ado About Facebook's Ticker

When Facebook first released their changes just before this year's f8 Conference, first reactions to the Ticker were very mixed.  Some loved seeing everything their friends were up to.  Others that spend most of their time on the Home page were annoyed by the constant interruption of new updates.  Very quickly, instructions were even released on how to remove it.

But the Ticker is where we discover!

The video below shows you how:

A bit more manageable?

Once you see what the Ticker can do, and how it can help you interact with your friends, nay-sayers may come to like it.  It really is "buzz central" for your entire network.

Discover fun stuff from friends, catch up with those you haven't heard from in awhile, and listen to new songs.  Use the "hover" feature as your passport to increased connectivity. The video above gives more detail.


Facebook has organized your news feed...

To show you updates from friends and pages you might be most interested in, first look for "Top Stories."  You'll see a blue bookmark in the upper left corner of these updates.

"Recent Stories" will show below Top Stories and what Facebook feels might be less relevant to you based on your Likes, Shares, and interactions on profiles and pages.


Conveniently located below the Ticker, an easy one-stop-shop to send birthday greetings to all of your friends!  So far, I have not been able to enter multiple wishes and enter just once -- I hope Facebook makes this possible.

Safety First!

Just as you should always wear your seatbelt when riding in your car, you should always consider your privacy settings while navigating Facebook's Timeline.

Facebook now requires SSL certificates for all custom tabs and each individual app on the network.  This is to encourage safe exchange of information with less friction for you.

That said, Facebook still leaves it to YOU to determine who sees what -- In the Ticker, on your personal Timeline, and in your photo albums.

You control all of that through Privacy Settings.  You should regularly review and re-set privacy settings for every section and every application.

The Inside Scoop

I was lucky enough to attend a session with social media leader, Mari Smith, about the latest Facebook changes.  It was an excellent opportunity to gain insight from someone in-the-know, and also exchange notes with others.

Some of the conversation is curated here: Facebook Changes - A Complete Guide.

Assuring your online safety is very important!  Mari seems to have the inside track on privacy concerns with Facebook's Timeline. 

---> Be sure to check out the guide to Facebook changes above, and read through to the end for Mari's slides and webinar on-demand!

What do you think of the new Timeline?

How will you use your banner cover space?

Please share your thoughts and feel free to ask questions in the comment box below... :)

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