Five Foolproof Tips to Create Standout Instagram Video Ads

November 10, 2016
You know what they say: An image is worth a thousand words!  Video is worth so much more.  Instagram video…...
Five Foolproof Tips to Create Standout Instagram Video Ads featured image

You know what they say: An image is worth a thousand words!  Video is worth so much more.  Instagram video ads can bring BIG results in your social media marketing strategy.  Discover the possibilities in this guest post by Sandra Christie...

This is a guest post by Sandra Christie

Could Instagram Video Ads Bring Big Results To Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

When you are advertising on social media, it is important to be seen by the right audience. This is critical as you are competing for their attention with millions of other posts. 

Advertising on Instagram gives you the ability to reach more people as even people who aren’t following you can see your ads. Instagram is an evolving platform, but its user base is growing rapidly. Since Instagram launched video ads and new features, many companies have been giving the format a try.  Video ads on Instagram are an exciting way to have an active dialog with customers.

Video ads are a top priority for many big brands. As they are allocating significant funds to Instagram advertising, they want to get the most out of posts and paid ads. If used correctly, Instagram video ads can act as a vehicle for both brand awareness and sales.

Keep reading for 5 great tips that will help you make the most out of Instagram’s ad format and make your brand’s video ads stand out.

1. Add a Call to Action

With the introduction of longer videos, and, in turn, Instagram video size limit, marketers can get more creative with their ads and also introduce a call to action. The previous length for Instagram videos made it difficult to make a call to action work. Successful CTAs drive high engagement levels. So it is important for marketers and advertisers to add a compelling call to action to their ads to drive potential customers to take action.

Instagram Carousel Ads - Recently introduced to bring an additional layer to photo ads. Swiping the ad allows people to see additional images and a call to action button which takes them to the brand’s website.

2. Use Attention grabbing visuals

Instagram is a platform that is driven by visual imagery. Sound does not auto play on Instagram video ads. So it important to create an ad that is not dependent on audio. If this is not possible, then the first few seconds of the video must grab enough attention to push the viewer to turn on the sound option.

Sandra Christi explains how to Use Attention grabbing visuals to create Instagram Video Ads at Idea Girl Media(Instagram video ads are a powerful tool to drive Engagement and Sales)

3. Catch attention right away

On Instagram, it is important to get to the action right away. Viewers have a limited attention span and are likely to scroll past your ad if it does not interest them right away. Don’t linger on the opening and get to the message as soon as possible. As mentioned in the previous point, the right visuals and perspective can also go a long way in gaining audience engagement with Instagram video ads.

4. Set the pace

As video ads play on loop, it is important to use every frame of the 60 seconds with care and put thought into the tone and pace of the story. When watching a video, the viewer’s engagement peaks at the 30 and 60-second marks.

Understanding Instagram ad specs is key.  The 60 second limit for videos on Instagram is the ideal length. This is similar to traditional TV spots and provides a unique opportunity for marketers and advertisers. For many brands, the opportunity to create longer Instagram videos allows them to create more compelling visuals and content. So it is worth the time and effort to invest in this platform and create Instagram video ads that drive engagement.

5. Take a Subtle Approach

When it comes to social media, consumers are particularly averse to seeing ads. So advertisements that are too pushy with obvious messages will not bode very well for your brand. It is best to take a subtle approach and gain some inspiration from brands that are doing this successfully. The best Instagram ads don’t look like ads but fit seamlessly into the viewer’s feed. So instead of plastering your video ad with text and logos, use visuals that capture the essence of your brand and don’t scream “advertisement.”


Instagram video ads can be very effective if used correctly. However, you cannot expect them to result in immediate sales. It is important to understand the buying process and how the sales funnel has changed over time. It is no longer as simple as someone watching your ad and immediately buying your product.  

The power of Instagram lies in its ability to grow your brand by engaging customers and reaching a broad audience. If marketers harness this power correctly, it can result in sales. When it comes to social media marketing, it is best not to think short term. Focus on long term Goals. Making Instagram advertising a part of your marketing strategy will have long-term payoffs, even if you don’t see an immediate surge in sales.

Many marketers have tuned into the unsurpassed power of social media video marketing and tried to harness this in different ways. Most brands choose to advertise on Instagram through images. While this has its own merits, thinking outside the box and using video advertising will enable you to engage your audience and reach more people effectively. 

Sandra Christie, Instagram Video Ads guest blogger at Idea Girl Media


Sandra Christie

A writer for @IdigicNet, has several published articles about social media that talk about general improvement of your social feed, and get more brand presence using it.

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