Facebook 102: How To Use Facebook Pages As Your Brand Name

February 12, 2012
When we jump on Facebook, we set up our personal account, connect with friends and family, and off we go…...
Facebook 102: How To Use Facebook Pages As Your Brand Name featured image

When we jump on Facebook, we set up our personal account, connect with friends and family, and off we go to like, share, and enjoy... But what about when we make a Facebook Page and try to promote our small business or non-profit cause?

Using Facebook Pages As Your Brand Name is explained by Idea Girl Media

That can be a little overwhelming - especially since they keep changing things up...and giving us more options!

Facebook Basics

A few factoids to help you get from A to B...

  • Your Facebook Profile is your passport to interact on Facebook.
  • Your profile allows you to create & administer Pages.
  • Your profile allows you to create & administer Groups.
  • Your profile connects with applications (apps) that enhance your experience at your profile, at your pages, and connecting to various social platforms on the Internet.

Your profile is like "home base" to all things Facebook.  It's like a "key to the Facebook City." 


A profile is not a Facebook page -- They are different.  One allows you to connect with friends, the other serves as a marketing vehicle for a business brand, non-profit organization, or public figure.

Facebook is clear that marketing a brand from a profile is against their Terms Of Service.

While their policy changes and technology developments have affected pages in the news feed -- the Home page -- Facebook has given Page Admins several functions to connect with fans and create relationships with other brands.

How To Use Facebook Pages As Your Brand Name

Many admins opt to put  Facebook Pages settings at "Always comment and post on your page as [insert your page name here], even when using Facebook as [insert your name here]."  That allows you to appear as the brand name when on your own page(s), but then appear as yourself automatically when you hop over to other pages and profiles on Facebook.

One really great option is interacting on Facebook as your business name!

If your settings are as stated above, then this video will be an easy introduction to using Facebook Pages as your brand name:

It's really that simple!

The only thing we did not do in the video is take you to another Facebook Page to post as your brand.  However, the way your message will appear is exactly as it appears there in the news feed in the video.

By interacting as your business brand name, you are able to create collaborative relationships and create brand evangelists in new ways.

Just remember to click the link to use Facebook as your profile name when you are finished with those posts.

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If this video above was helpful, you might like my new Tutorials Page where I have posted more videos for you.

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