Email Marketing Is Not Dead: Here Are Seven Reasons Why [Infographic]

April 2, 2018
Has your marketing team hesitated to implement email campaigns misunderstanding their amazing success rate? Email marketing is NOT dead: Here…...
Email Marketing Is Not Dead: Here Are Seven Reasons Why [Infographic] featured image

Has your marketing team hesitated to implement email campaigns misunderstanding their amazing success rate? Email marketing is NOT dead: Here are seven reasons why...

7 Statistics Proving That Email Marketing Is Not Dead

If you are running your online business and would like to take it to the next level of success, then it is quite likely that you will find this infographic both interesting and informative.

This article and accompanying infographic will outline elements of:

  • How to do email marketing
  • Email marketing strategy
  • Email marketing tips

Essentially, how to succeed with this type of marketing by following the statistics. ?

What Is Email Marketing And How Does It Work?

We are today in a world of digital marketing, social media marketing and other new means of reaching out to find information about products and services. Under the above circumstances, having a good online marketing plan is extremely important.

When we talk about email marketing, there are many who believe that it is obsolete and has stopped being useful to manufacturers and marketers of products and services. However, this is not exactly true for a number of reasons.

Even today, email continues to be one of the simplest and easiest ways information is transmitted between entities and people. When it comes to sharing details about products and services there is no doubt that email campaigns work very well.

Do you remember what you received in your Inbox during the most recent holiday season? Email campaigns are one of the most cost effective push-sales strategies being used by many big corporations.  In addition, it is easy to pair with social media marketing for a cost-effective approach to your over all marketing plan.

Remember this: Most emails, if they are not spam, are received well by the reader and are both opened and read.

Keeping the above details in mind, we are happy to share with you that email marketing is not dead - Here are seven reasons why...

Dead? Not Dead? You Decide!


This infographic was creatively prepared by Websites That Sell.

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