Boost Your Income With E-learning Products [Infographic]

July 16, 2019
Coaches and entrepreneurs can do well offering e-learning products to their fans and followers. Here’s how to do it using…...
Boost Your Income With E-learning Products [Infographic] featured image

Coaches and entrepreneurs can do well offering e-learning products to their fans and followers. Here's how to do it using push notifications...

What you need to know about marketing e-learning products with push notifications.

The Internet has opened up myriads of opportunities for people to set up side gigs and boost their incomes. In recent years, e-learning has become increasingly popular. If you have:

  • Special skills
  • Niche expertise
  • Sought after wisdom
  • New industry knowledge

You wish to share with others, you could increase your earnings by selling e-learning products.

E-learning offers a wealth of advantages to web users who are looking to expand their skillset and access information that will help them grow their personal marketability or their business brand.

Learning online is a flexible option. It can fit around any schedule, and there’s scope to access an array of subject matter. Note: The average person spending almost six hours per day on a digital device, and around 80% of that time online is spent looking for information. So, for entrepreneurs, offering an E learning products list, this can be a lucrative option and new stream of revenue.

If you produce e-learning products, the next step is to market them and make sure web users can find them. Using SEO and social media can create leads, but this is only part of the process. Converting leads is often the hardest phase to complete. One effective way of increasing conversion rates is using browser notifications.

The infographic below contains useful details about how to use browser notifications to your advantage, and it also outlines the potential impact of planning and delivering targeted campaigns. You can use notifications to:

  • Advertise products
  • Share news
  • Invite new users
  • Promote deals and discounts

E learning products examples: Guides, webinars, and ebooks. All three are particularly popular, and notifications have a relatively high click rate.

If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner looking to boost your income, take a look at this handy infographic and consider if offering an e-learning product is right for you and your brand. The next step would be development and activating push notifications to drive your marketing campaign.

Infographic Designed By The Power of eLearning Industry's Browser Notifications Infographic 2019 Edition

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