Five Tips For A Successful Mid-Career Job Change

September 6, 2018
Are you anxious considering a mid-career job change? Here are five smart tips – Your map to best midlife career…...
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Are you anxious considering a mid-career job change? Here are five smart tips - Your map to best midlife career changes in any profession...

Your Mid-Career Job Change Map For Best Midlife Career Changes

A very high percentage of professionals at some point in their life begin to feel desires to change jobs. The are many reasons:

  • Competitiveness
  • Boredom
  • Frustration
  • Feeling threatened in a current position
  • Finding bigger opportunities elsewhere
  • Personal growth and development
  • The dream job at a preferred company finally opens up 
  • To challenge skills and knowledge in another field

Whatever the reason may be, changing a job requires carrying out a strategy, and only if done well will it be beneficial.

Mid-Career Job Change Strategy

If you feel strongly enough about mid-career job change, you will want to list midlife career change ideas to have a full understanding of where to channel your energies.

Changing jobs may seem like the solution to many of your anxieties. This change involves:

  • New environment
  • Different colleagues
  • Improved conditions 

All can help regain your spirits. However, it is not an easy decision or one that should be made without first thoroughly thinking through the benefits and disadvantages of the new position.

Also consider: Leaving a job in where a stable position has been achieved is not always the best option. Going back to being "the new kid on the block" can lead to setbacks that, when you were offered the position, you may not have imagined. Again, it is important not to rush into accepting a new job offer without evaluating the personal and work situation. 

When you send your Resume to the HR Department for a position in which you have no experience, you are competing with many candidates who do have experience -- And in a labor market where competition is fierce.

The probability you will get the job is quite low. For this reason, you must send a CV that stands out from the others'. The good news is you can consult with experts online. There are websites that offer free resume reviews to identify any weak points so you can improve presentation.

We would all hope to find easy career changes that pay well. Here are five tips for a successful mid-career job change: 

1. Differentiate Yourself From Others

Recruiters will probably only read the first three "paragraphs" of your resume and do not initially spend too much time on each case. So, it is necessary to look for new ways to impress human resources personnel to move to the second phase of the selection process. 

If you have decided on a total professional reinvention, you need to be thinking of the even longer game. Therefore, it is advisable that you look for resume writing services to make your presentation stands out from the others:

  • Know yourself very well
  • Know what you want
  • Know what the company needs
  • Master changes and new trends in the labor market
  • Be sure that your professional skills are appropriate

You need a great ability to synthesize and understand the values of the company you aspire to, and you must highlight the competitive advantages that differentiate you from the rest of the candidates, who are ... your competitors. 

2. Prove That You Are The Best

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You need to consider yourself as a product that must be priced.  For some, that may seem jolting. To explain...

Visibility and notoriety generate a sense of confidence, and ... social proof. Employers want to be able to check out your LinkedIn profile, view your work experience and project lists, as well as developed social media profiles with considerable networks. 

You may have solid education and some good experience.  But, it is not very productive to be useful, reliable and in tune in with your market, employer or boss if you are virtually invisible.  It is weak reasoning to say that you are the best candidate to occupy a position if you do not offer proof that you are doing what you promise you can do.

To get that trust, it is best to speak well of yourself AND offer evidence that you have done or can do what you claim.

3. Find Contacts

Without a solid network it will be harder to get a job. You need real, desirable and quality contacts. If you want a different situation and to find new opportunities, you must open your field of action: Establish relationships with people in a broad spectrum of professions.

If you still do not have a profile on Linkedin, now is the time and sign up. A large percentage of companies use LinkedIn for recruiting and for sharing company information with prospective employees. 

4. Master All Rejections

Do not let rejections take away your intentions of reinventing yourself professionally. Letting yourself be overcome by frustration will affect the way you focus your attention for successive job interviews.

There is no magic formula to solve this frustrating situation. You must accept it and let it go. There is no other alternative other than to keep trying. Rejections help you to improve yourself and to study what emergent professions are in demand and where you can best contribute.

5. Be Flexible

Remember that it is always a good time to change jobs if there are reasons to do so. A mid-career job change is no different.

Perceptions of success are motivating. What sets the trend is not necessarily the need for change, but can be the perception of success.

If you decide to change your job you must be very flexible. The willingness to move and even to change fields is essential. 

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