The Art Of Automation In Business Growth

May 22, 2018
Have you hesitated to orchestrate your business processes? Stop the overwhelm – Here’s a list of 6 business growth benefits…...
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Have you hesitated to orchestrate your business processes? Stop the overwhelm - Here's a list of 6 business growth benefits you'll see from implementing the art of automation.

Guest post by Lauren Wiseman

6 Benefits You'll Experience In Business Through The Art Of Automation

The 9-to-5 jobs can be tedious, exhausting, and underpaid, not to mention that you invest all your time and energy working for somebody else’s benefit.

There are the good reasons why many people decide to quit and start their own businesses. But after the initial excitement, the reality sinks in and you have to deal with the challenges that come with ownership. You’re suddenly in charge of:

  • Making big decisions
  • Delegating tasks
  • Monitoring the workflow
  • Tallying the inventory

And even greenlighting new product features and functionalities.

All this can easily become overwhelming and wreak havoc on your business organization. That’s where business orchestration and automation can help you get things in order.

Let's discuss the art of automation in business growth...

Why You Should Orchestrate Your Business Processes

Every business process is complex and consists of multiple events and components which really should be seamlessly organized. Business orchestration leads to boosting productivity and agility, as well as saving a lot of time and money.

Still, many business owners aren’t exactly familiar with this concept which is why they fail to take advantage of it.

So, what is business orchestration?

It allows you to automate, centralize, and optimize all your business processes and be able to control everything from the same dashboard. In other words, a business orchestration platform brings people, data, and infrastructure together for easier and more transparent management.

For example, if you’re running a software startup or want to avoid the crash of your app, iterations and new releases can be pretty challenging because it’s necessary to align multiple teams working on a single functionality, as well as to set a smooth approval mechanism.  A business orchestration platform lets you handle all of that easily --  Like the art of process automation.

The Art Of Automation - Benefits For Business

No matter what part of business process we’re talking about, implementing automation will result in improving performance and reducing time and costs. Instead of wasting hours and days on repetitive, tedious tasks, you should automate them and focus on more important, creative things that impact your bottom line.

There are various ways you can automate your workflow, and some of them are: 

SMB owners usually believe that only big companies can benefit from automation, while it’s actually the other way around.  Automation is cost-effective which is of crucial importance for cash-strapped startups that would benefit from learning a bit about the art of AI and automation.

The Art Of Automation - Benefits For Business outlined by Lauren Wiseman at Idea Girl Media

Here are some of the biggest benefits of utilizing the art of automation for your business:

1. Reducing operating costs.  Performing certain tasks manually is expensive and time-consuming, not to mention that you need more people to complete them. Truth: You can’t automate all parts of your business processes, but you can benefit a lot from automating payments, sales approvals, and follow-ups.

2. Eliminating human errors.  It’s no mystery that machines are more accurate than people, which is why you can minimize errors and costs by automating some administrative and financial tasks. This should result in less worry about late payments or paying for goods that you haven’t received.

3. Establishing consistency.  Offering dependability and quality is essential for the survival of your business. Automation can help you keep high standards by preventing problems such as skipping steps or failing to meet deadlines.

4. Enforcing accountability.  By automating your business processes, you’ll be able to spot and fix bottlenecks. When you know who is in charge of each step, it’s much easier to identify the tasks which take the longest to complete and who is responsible for every particular delay or a missed deadline. 

5. Streamlining communication.  Clear and effective communication between the members of your team is extremely important. Automation tools will allow them to discuss their tasks and collaborate in a streamlined and organized manner, as well as to see all the requests for each individual task and follow the progress.

6. Tracking metrics.  If you automate your business process, you’ll be able to track and collect rich sets of metrics and analyze them. These metrics reports can help you identify red flags and, in turn, help you improve results.

Can you see the value in finding your own art of automation?

It’s All About Customer Satisfaction

The above-mentioned benefits can transform and grow your business.  However, orchestration and automation bring one more ace in the hole: They significantly contribute to customer satisfaction and improve their overall experience.

67% of customers say that bad experiences are their main reason for terminating a business relationship.

By orchestrating and automating your business processes, you provide your employees with valuable tools and a knowledge base for dealing with customer concerns and demands. For example, chatbots which can process frequently asked questions and help customers solve their problems quickly and easily can significantly boost customer satisfaction and reduce a churn rate.

A well-organized knowledge database can, similarly, help customer service representatives identify a problem and find a solution based on previously reported and similar issues which were successfully solved.


Lauren Wiseman - Guest Author at Idea Girl Media on the Art Of AutomationAbout The Author

Lauren Wiseman is marketing specialist, contributor to Bizzmark Blog, and an entrepreneur. She helps clients grow their personal and professional brands in fast-changing and demanding markets, strongly believing in a holistic approach to business.  Follower her on Twitter.



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