7 Tips To Grow Your Business Using YouTube

November 22, 2017
The world is more and more visual – Looking to increase brand awareness and revenues quickly? Here are 7 tips…...
7 Tips To Grow Your Business Using YouTube featured image

The world is more and more visual - Looking to increase brand awareness and revenues quickly? Here are 7 tips to grow your business using YouTube...

A collaborative post with Katherine Lane

Considering ways to grow your business using YouTube?  Here, find the how and why...

There is money on YouTube. 

Yes, you read that right. All walks of life are now on YouTube.

Considering ways to grow your business using YouTube? Katherine Lane provides the answer to this question at Idea Girl Media

If you want to show your expertise on a specific topic like driving, basic yoga, cooking, and other amazing things, then there is no better platform to share than on YouTube. A lot of social media influencers have adjusted their social media strategies from mainly website blogging to YouTube vlogging.

In fact, some of these individuals started with just a few followers to now having a million subscribers and earning thousands of dollars a month from ads and sponsors. If you want to attain YouTube stardom in a short amount of time, you need a solid strategy to increase your following.

You can indeed increase YouTube views however, this method must be done systematically for you to reap success in the end.

Many popular videos trend worldwide, yet most of those videos are not for professional use. It is quite difficult to penetrate your target market with the specific purpose of creating videos to promote your product or service.

To increase YouTube views you must showcase your business to attract viewers and to get your ideas across in a fun, interesting, and informative way. So, hard selling is a big no-no in social media marketing.

To increase YouTube views, you also must make your content unique from others. Word of mouth is no longer enough to promote one’s business. Soliciting views is prolific because it helps boost the growth of one’s business.

How does this happen?

If you're wondering how to use YouTube for business marketing, the following tips get you started increasing YouTube views to promote your business. Use the 'S-M-A-R-T-E-R' approach... 

Katherine Lane explains The S-M-A-R-T-E-R Approach To Grow Your Business Using YouTube at Idea Girl Media

7 Tips To Grow Your Business Using YouTube

1. Start

Begin your YouTube journey by watching popular videos. Ask yourself a question: Why does this video hit the market?

Copy the ingredients for a successful video that prevails on the web. Do not forget to fill out your details for your profile on YouTube. It is important that you highlight your contact details and what you can possibly offer to your audience - Both to be informative, but also encourage SEO.

2. Manage

Manage what you have started.

Use the Google Keyword Tool by including keywords in the title, tags, and most importantly, in the description. In short, use keywords to attract a wider viewership.

Be careful in using keywords though so as not to confuse your readers. Make sure that these keywords really speak for the content of your videos. 

3. Add the URL in description

To do this, be sure the URL includes the "http://" at the beginning.  Encourage people to connect with you and list your social profile links in the description of your videos.  The "http://" makes the link clickable and it will instantly direct them to your chosen web pages.  

4. Regularity

Consistently post your videos on your social media channels.  It is the key to effectively building your YouTube channel. Promote your videos to get more visibility on other social media platforms.

You can also ask your professional contacts to share your videos in their blogs, or better yet, send in emails for better awareness. 

5. Try

Try using great images to capture the interest of viewers.  In turn, this will lead them to take watch, like, click, and share. Curiosity will encourage people visit your channel. Clever imagery is most likely to capture the attention of viewers, especially if it has relevance and connection to your social ads or other brand videos. 

6. Enhance

Use catchy titles to draw target viewers to your video.

If the keyword is affiliate marketing, try an interesting title like: “Affiliate Marketing Is Easy as ABC,” or, “Affiliate Marketing 101.”

Establish your reputation as a reliable video marketer so that people will be looking for your videos, and also find your videos in search. 

7. Research

Yes, your videos should be informative and entertaining.  At the same time, make sure you deliver what your viewer expects from the title and description, which is how they found your video. 

Always be thinking: What can I offer to them?

{S-M-A-R-T-E-R} :)

Idea Girl Media and Katherine Lane explain Why Grow Your Business Using YouTube

Why Grow Your Business Using YouTube

YouTube is a very popular website.  In fact, it is the second largest search Engine, only behind Google (which owns YouTube). 

Whether you are using YouTube videos for business, searching for information, or viewing for entertainment, YouTube offers a good user experience. 

Here is a short list of benefits of YouTube marketing:

  • Show your product - Some companies cannot demonstrate in-person the features of their products.  One way to do that is by showcasing on a promotional video. YouTube also offers a good option for advertising.
  • Provide solutions to clients - Address frequently asked questions for clients across the globe.  Giving attention to the needs of the clients would surely attract prospects, and then you have a resource library.
  • Leverage events or promotions - Telling viewers about events and success stories gives them an idea about the profile of your business in a personal way. YouTube gives you the chance to inform the world that you are serious about your business. Live testimonials from satisfied customers can also be shown to engage viewers.
  • Get found on Google - Marketing on YouTube can help you get found in search.  YouTube is visited by at least 1 billion people per month.  Utilizing this advantage, you are increasing the legitimacy and credibility of your company.

The number of YouTube users continues to grow steadily. Undeniably this search engine is an excellent avenue to promote your business or consultancy.

Summing It Up - Grow Your Business Using YouTube

There are definitely more advantages than disadvantages if you utilize a strategy targeting increased YouTube views.  Understand, it is an aggressive marketing method.  But you can definitely grow your business using YouTube, and build your business brand. 


Katherine Lane shares insight on how to Grow Your Business Using YouTube at Idea Girl MediaAbout The Author

Katherine Lane is a content writer for Buy Real Marketing, focused on YouTube Marketing - How to boost YouTube views.  Her expertise allows her to integrate her skills in content writing to help individuals and businesses that are in the YouTube niche.  Follow her on Twitter or Google+


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