How To Embed Instagram Photos And Videos

July 11, 2013
Video on Instagram is an amazing tool for social media marketers.  And we all love sharing photos, right?  But one…...
How To Embed Instagram Photos And Videos featured image

Video on Instagram is an amazing tool for social media marketers.  And we all love sharing photos, right?  But one content sharing feature was missing...until now...  Learn how to embed Instagram Photos And Videos right here!

One More Way To Optimize Your Photo And Video Content On Instagram!

Since Instagram began, snapping photos has been fun!  The sharing abilities to other social networks are are great, and the platform is slick.

Whether you are an individual or a brand, the various filters make an ordinary picture spectacular.  Video on Instagram is just as fun, and the possibilities huge.

At the same time, the link to the new-fangled shareable video will take you only so far...

We Can Now Embed Instagram Photos And Videos

You may have been wondering how you were going to embed Instagram photos and videos in meaningful ways going forward.  Beginning July 10, 2013, Instagram made it possible.

Just in time, right?

An example of an embedded Instagram Photo

(Above: The Barenaked Ladies performing at Summerfest 2013 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

Pretty sweet!

You can see that the embedded photo also shows the Instagram ID with profile photo, as well as the social activity associated with that specific image.

The process to embed Instagram photos and videos is the same.  Lets walk through it...

How To Embed Instagram Photos And Videos

Note the simplicity and plush look when published!

Quick steps to embed Instagram photos and videos:

  • Go to your Instagram profile. {Example:}
  • Navigate to the desired photo or video.
  • Click to make it full-view on your screen.
  • On the right blue bar, click the "share" button.
  • Copy the embed code from the box that appears.
  • Paste the code into your web page's HTML.

If you have made your posts private, this will not work for you, as you can only embed Instagram photos and videos that have been made public.

Special Note: On Tumblr, you will only be able to use Instagram embed code for video posts.

An example of embedded Instagram video

(Above: The Barenaked Ladies performing the theme song from "The Big Bang Theory," television show at Summerfest 2013 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

You can click to view in the center or by clicking at the upper right.

The new feature of being able to embed Instagram photos and videos is a real advantage for social media marketers.  Take your three to fifteen second video clips almost anywhere!

Additional Options To Embed Instagram Photos And Videos

Depending on your desired result and web page platform, you might wish for additional options for embedding instagram videos.  My friend Mike outlines a few Instagram video embedding resources for you.

If you are just getting started, you may want to check out my Guide To Video On Instagram.

Over To You

Are you happy to see this new feature from Instagram?

Do you think you will embed Instagram photos and videos on your blog or website?

Who do you think is likely to see the biggest advantage from embedding Instagram photos and videos?

Please share your thoughts in the comment box below...  :)

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