Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like

October 17, 2011
Rev Up Your Page For The Holidays! Do you like FREE things? About six months ago my friend Lori Randall Stratman sponsored something…...
Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like featured image

Rev Up Your Page For The Holidays! Do you like FREE things? About six months ago my friend Lori Randall Stratman sponsored something called, "Pages Gone Wild," - A Facebook initiative meant to introduce Facebook Pages to more people than ever before at one time without purchasing advertising...

Idea Girl Media and More In Media collaborate on Facebook Marketing Project, Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of LikeTo sum up the experience, it was a lot of fun, and a wonderful opportunity for exposure for my business.  Plus, I met many people I might not have otherwise.  Even better, I stay in touch with a lot of them, and have formed collaborative relationships with several of the participating businesses.

For instance, Dorien Morin-van Dam of More In Media, my partner for this exciting project!

OUR MISSION: In working together - To provide value, and for participants to walk away having made new friends and business acquaintances -- with Facebook Pages ready to make the most of the holiday season.  Those that take part in all areas of the game will gain hands-on knowledge of putting successful social media techniques to work that they can take into the future.


Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like

Just in time to rev up your Facebook Page for the Holidays!

  • It's FREE.
  • It's FUN.
  • It's EASY.

And is inspired by childhood favorite, Milton Bradley's "The Game of LIFE."

Here are the basics on how "Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like" works:

1. Participants share a link to their Facebook Page on the Facebook Event page wall.

2. Everybody likes everyone else's Page (as themselves).

3. Game begins on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 7:00am EST and ends at 5:00pm EST sharp on October 28, 2011.

4. Participating Page Owners & Admins receive helpful social media tools they can use - right away - just for playing!  :)

5. The game is designed to help you learn tips & tricks, and prepare your page for the holiday season while you play.

6. On October 31, 2011 blog posts will go out from Idea Girl Media and More In Media to a network of more than 2 million people announcing 2 winners, the achievers, and all participants -- Giving your page EVEN MORE exposure!!

How do you win the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like?

You qualify to win the game by:

  • Liking all the Pages that are entered into the game (as yourself).
  • Correct participation in daily game posts on the Idea Girl Media & More In Media Facebook Pages.
  • Completing "Like Achievements."
  • Helping to promote the game.

Page likes will be verified daily, and finalized between October 28, 2011 and October 30, 2011.

"Like Achievements" can be completed at any time during the the 10-day game.

Points will be awarded for each part of the game (described below).

Sound fun?

Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game of Like Grand Prize(s)

Ultimate Pay Day - Two (2) players will win!

The players with the most points earned will win the following:

  • Feature image of their Facebook Page in the grand announcement blog posts.
  • Personal photo included with the Facebook Page image in the blog posts.
  • Link to their website and Facebook Page in the announcement post.
  • Month-long November feature on Idea Girl Media & More In Media Facebook Pages.
  • Follow-up feature articles by Idea Girl Media or More In Media (to include Q&A interview about you and your business, images from your Facebook Page and Business, and your unique contributions to the Facebook Game Of Like).

The follow-up posts will be within a few weeks of the grand prize winners announcement and will also be circulated to a network of 2 million+ people.

Everyone Wins The Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like!

  • All participants will see their page mentioned in the grand announcement post.
  • Like ALL Facebook Pages, and get a link to your Facebook Page in the grand announcement post.
  • Those liking ALL Pages & participating in Like Achievements will be linked to both their Facebook page and website in the grand announcement post.
  • Complete all Like Achievements and Like ALL Pages and we'll link your Facebook Page and website, and feature an image of your Facebook Page.

So, you get out of it what you put into playing! 

PAY DAY: You WIN TWICE, as all the new friends and business contacts will rev-up your Facebook Page, and your personal network, just in time for the holidays!!

Point Values For Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like

There is no maximum number of points that can be earned -- It all boils down to determination and creativity!

→ Correct participation in daily posts challenges on both Idea Girl Media & More In Media Facebook Pages = 2 points (1 per page interaction; 0 points earned if interaction on only 1 of the pages).

→ Promote the game with a tweet using the #gameoflike hashtag = 1 point each (limit 1/day).

→ Invite your friends to participate = 1 point per friend that plays (they must tag your page on the event page wall to receive credit).

→ Like ALL participating Facebook Pages = 40 points.

→ Like Achievements = 15 to 50 points each.

→ Suggest a daily post challenge that we use = 10 points.

→ The judging panel will be Keri of Idea Girl Media and Dorien of More In Media.  Judges reserve the right to give extra credit points for über-creative efforts.

Just like the real game, Like Achievements make the difference!

Promoting The Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like

You are welcome to use any ethical way of making people aware of the game.  Suggestions:

  • Email.
  • Facebook Private Message.
  • Tweets to your Twitter network.
  • Twitter DM to a favorite list.
  • Posts in Facebook & LinkedIn Groups where you are active and posts of that type are allowed.

Be sure to include the Facebook Event Page link & have those interested tag your page on the event page wall when they get there.

Promotion Material

Facebook Event Page Link:

Easy short link:

Example Tweets - Copy and Paste:

* Want to super-charge your Facebook Page before the holidays? Play The Game of Like! #gameoflike

* Super-charge your Facebook Page with more fans now - Play The Game Of Like! #gameoflike

* Play The Game Of Like and get more fans for your Facebook Page. Start having fun now! #gameoflike

* Get more fans for your Facebook Page & have fun doing it! #gameoflike

* Want your Facebook Page to be seen by more than 2 million people? Get in now to win! #gameoflike

(Note: You can create your own tweets for point credit - be sure to use the #gameoflike hashtag)

Example Email/Newsletter Blurb:

"Want more fans for your Facebook Page?  Want to super-charge your Facebook Page in preparation for the holiday season?

Here's a project meant to bring you more friends, fans, and contacts...

You'll meet new people, learn new Facebook tips and tricks, and be ready to make the most of everyone's favorite time of year!

**Play The Game Of Like on Facebook -- It's FREE, fun & easy! **

You get valuable social media tools to use right away when you sign-up.

Hurry - The project ends October 28, 2011 - Here's the link to get started:

Can't wait to see you there! :) "

**** With any promotional suggestions not listed above, please contact to have your idea promptly approved. ****

The Fine Print For Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like

It's FREE to participate!  Please observe the following:

  • To be fair - 1 page promoted per person playing.
  • This is for Facebook Pages.  Personal Profiles & Groups DO NOT qualify.
  • The more people you invite, the more you benefit!
  • You may want to enlist some help to implement tips learned while playing & to track your own success.
  • We'll be tracking progress to fairly tabulate points - Remember to use the tagging feature when appropriate.
  • You should be posting and liking as yourself, unless otherwise noted by Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like instructions.
  • The Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like begins 7:00am EST, October 18, 2011 and ends October 28, 2011 at 5:00pm EST.

There's a lot of information above, but just like getting a fun new game - read the directions first before you start!  :)

Like Achievements

[caption id="attachment_2357" align="alignright" width="300"]Like Achievement Tile example for Facebook Marketing Game Of Like sponsored by Idea Girl Media & More In Media Image Credit: Life Achievement Tile from Milton Bradley's Game of LIFE[/caption]

These are meant to give Page Admins hands-on experience with Facebook Best Practices.  They can be completed at any time during the game in any order.

You may want to consider if an item will take you longer to best plan your strategy.

We look forward to seeing your creativity!  :)

#1 - Expose'

In the spirit of Facebook's new trend toward verbs - actions - Post a picture of yourself and/or your staff DOING something that relates with your business or operation.  Examples: Leading a class, re-arranging your shop, designing flyers, etc.

The photo should not simply be an image of an item you sell -- There must be action happening.

Special instructions: Post to both the Idea Girl Media & More In Media Page Walls; Tag your page on both posts.

Points value = 10 points.

#2 - Lights, Camera, Action!

Create an introduction video for your organization and upload to YouTube or Vimeo.  This should introduce key staff and highlight your focus, purpose, or cause.  If you have an introductory video made, make another that features a newer product or service.

Special Instructions: Post the YouTube or Vimeo link to your Fan Page Wall and tag the Idea Girl Media & More In Media Facebook Pages.  (You may want to try a YouTube app to bring all of your videos to your Facebook Page).

Points value = 20 points.

#3 - Launch Above Your Competition (3 parts)

1) Read the first chapter of, "Launch: How To Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond The Competition,"  This is FREE.

Special Instructions: Leave a comment on the Launch Page tagging the Game Of Like Event Page.

Points value = 15 points.

2) Purchase Mike Stelzner's book, "Launch," and post a picture of yourself with the book on the Idea Girl Media & More In Media Facebook Page Walls.

Special Instructions: Tag your page when you post the photos.  It does not matter where you purchase the book.  My trusted bookseller is Books 'N' More - They can special order the book for you and have it shipped within a few short days. [Note: That is my affiliate link, but as my gift to you and the retailer, and in support of the 'Buy Local' spirit, I am forfeiting any commissions].

Points value = 30 points.

3) Post a book review for "Launch," on Amazon.

Special Instructions: Note your participation in the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like in the review & post that you completed this on the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like event page wall.

Points value = 10 points.

Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like 5-Image Banner for Idea Girl Media#4 - Beautify Your Branding

Create a 5-image banner with a holiday theme for the top of your Facebook Page.

You will need to tag your page for all 5 images.  Officially, the size is 98 x 68px for each image.

Special Instructions: Post and tag the name of your page and that you have completed this Like Achievement on the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like Event Page wall.

Points value = 25 points.

#5 - Buddy Up!

Find a Facebook Page new to you in another geographic location on the Game Of Like list.  Make a plan to collaborate on a project that fits both of your business needs.

This activity may be posted as a feature for the game!  We suggest collaborating on your pages too by tagging each other in Wall conversations.

Special Instructions: Email the plan to - This information should be emailed as soon as you have it.

Points value = 15 points.

#6 - Ignite Your Facebook Presence

Post as your page on the Idea Girl and More In Media Facebook Pages.  Also post on 10 or more Facebook Pages in your geographic area to interact and encourage business relationships.  Tag the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like event page if the conversation leads to their curiosity of Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game of Like.

Special Instructions: Please be respectful and observe Facebook Etiquette, as well as industry etiquette.

Points Value = 10 points.

#7 - Blog About It

With all the talk about Facebook - now with 800 Million active users - This is a great opportunity to utilize a hot topic and get some eyeballs for your blog!  And meld your audience with a network of 2 Million+ while you're at it!

All you have to do is write a write a blog post before October 25, 2011 with the following Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like ingredients:

A link to each of the two Facebook Pages earns you an extra credit point, but not required (see below for exact links).

Special Instructions: Once you've published your blog post, post the link to it on the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like event page wall so we can visit and comment!

Points value = 50 points.

Now all you have to do is...

Jump Start Your Participation - The Facebook Game Of Like

1) Hop on over to the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like Event Page -

2) Introduce yourself at Idea Girl Media & More In Media on Facebook.

Here are the links: &

3) Follow Keri and Dorien on Twitter for additional game updates:

Keri: @connectyou     Dorien: @MoreInMedia

4) Email to receive your FREE social media tools NOW!

Include: Your name, your email address, your Facebook Page name & URL (web address)

Just for participating - You'll Receive:

  • Social Media Self-Audit Template
  • 7 Game-Changing Ways A Social Media Manager Can Help You Right Now
  • 10 Easy Facebook Tips That Will Engage Your Fans Immediately

5) Invite Friends (provide the Facebook Event Page link) -- Remember to have them tag your page when they get there! :)

Here's the link again:

There's a lot of information above, but it's really as easy as playing board games with your family!

Are ya ready?  :)

The Facebook Game Of Like for Facebook Marketing will be as easy as playing board games with your family!

Featured Image Credit: Inspired by Milton Bradley's "The Game Of LIFE"

(This activity is not sponsored by Facebook, Milton Bradley, or The Game of LIFE)

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