LinkedIn: Does Your URL Need A Facelift?

July 20, 2011
You’ve heard it before: It’s all in a name.  Hopefully YOUR name. Are you new to LinkedIn? Just never got…...
LinkedIn: Does Your URL Need A Facelift? featured image

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media suggests using a personalized LinkedIn URLYou've heard it before: It's all in a name.  Hopefully YOUR name.

Are you new to LinkedIn?

Just never got around to smoothing over those unfinished details?

Social networking through social media is becoming more and more important...

LinkedIn Is The Professionals' Social Network

  • 100 million members.
  • 1 new profile ever second.
  • Average salary: $109,000.
  • Influencers and decision-makers.
  • More and more opportunities for company engagement.

Does Your LinkedIn URL Need A Facelift?

I led a corporate training on LinkedIn - and engaging on the social network - and saw that many professionals are walking around with long, impersonal, URLs with lots of unnecessary numbers stuck in their LinkedIn web address.  Yikes!

This is great to get you started, and helps LinkedIn identify with you, but:

  • These are hard for you to remember.
  • They are hard for others to navigate and remember.
  • They're just plain ugly!

Here's a video tip to help guide you through making your LinkedIn URL individual to yourself:

So, is your LinkedIn URL more pretty now?

Easier to remember, perhaps?

Look "cuter" on your business card?

Please tell me if this video helped you, and of any questions you have in the comment box below! :)

Interested in expanding your network?  I'd love it if you connected with me!


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