How Sales Reps Can Use Social Media To Be Taken Seriously

May 16, 2011
Regarding marketing and public relations… An Independent Distributor told me that it seems like the market gets flooded – especially…...
How Sales Reps Can Use Social Media To Be Taken Seriously featured image

Idea Girl Media recommends blogging as part of your social media strategy.Regarding marketing and public relations...

An Independent Distributor told me that it seems like the market gets flooded - especially with less serious reps - and then the public tends not to see those that take their business seriously.

It is a legitimate concern.

I've been an Independent Distributor, and I've not taken some seriously.

This unique set of professionals are also known as Independent Sales Consultants, Sales Representatives, and other similar titles.

Often they will promote:

  • Beauty Products.
  • Health & Wellness Supplements.
  • Foods.
  • Jewelry.
  • Home Decor.
  • Kitchen Items.
  • Craft Supplies.
  • Educational Materials.
  • Insurance.

So, how can Independent Sales Reps of nationally known products use social media to be taken seriously?

Establish Expertise & Credibility


Make it the focal center of your website, own your domain, and consistently create informational content that sets you above your competition.

Post tips, new industry information, and find industry experts for guest posts and interviews.

Send Consistent Reminders

Email Newsletters.

Find a frequency that works, and utilize the largest social network to keep yourself in front of your valued customers.

Make it professional, short and sweet, and filled with information that continues to solidify why you're their contact for what you do.  Include snippits from your blog posts!

I send out bi-weekly Media Muffins: Sweet social media treats meant to inform & inspire. I use this email marketing platform and get great response!  You can contact me to learn how to try it free for 30 days.

Social Networking

Chances are you'll end up on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

But there are thousands of social networks -- search for the key platforms that will be conducive to your industry, and reaching your target demographic.

Find out where your target audience is hanging out, and be there.  On their terms.

Think your customers aren't on social media?  Think again!  The largest group of consumers using social media are 35-44 years old.  The largest growth group is 45-64!

Here's a good reference for you:

Study Reveals The Reason Independent Consultants Must Master Social Media Skills

Participating in LinkedIn Groups for professionals will help you further establish credibility within your industry.  Using the Question & Answers area will help you engage with those curious about what you already know!

Be Visible

Use video.

  • YouTube is the second largest search engine.
  • There are 86 million daily viewers looking at video.
  • Video is 53x more likely to appear on the first page of a Google search (Forrester).
  • Adding video to email boosts customer interaction 200-300%!! (Brightcove)

So, set up a video channel and link it with your social networks.  48% of video referral growth is from Facebook!

Hint: Video is great embedded in blog posts!


Create your community with your followers in mind.

Ask them what their interests are, and remember to listen.  Make it interesting with pictures, video, fun questions, as well as links to juicy stuff!

Social media is about them - not about you. It's a two-way communication.

It's not broadcasting.

Really, the steps above are not so different than successful social media strategies recommended for other industries.

Do What They're Not

I know I used a dirty word up there - blog. Most people aren't thrilled about writing regularly and are afraid to start.

Secret: It's a Nike thing.  Just do it.

By following the steps above, you'll become the go-to source, and attract people to yourself.  The not-so-professional will fade away as you set a new standard.

Vary your content and aim for short, sweet, and informational.

You might even find it so fun your fingers smile! :)

Need help making your blog your social hub?

Have questions about any of the items on the list above?

Leave your comments or questions below...

Disclosure: I am a user and re-seller of Ace of Sales.


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