Guest Post And Advertorial Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in sharing your wisdom and collaborating with us here at Idea Girl Media! What is…...
Guest Post And Advertorial Guidelines featured image

Thank you for your interest in sharing your wisdom and collaborating with us here at Idea Girl Media!

What is a good fit to publish a guest post at

Ultimately, our goal is to develop long-term relationships with individuals who are savvy in their niche that can offer quality insight and actionable tips for our readers.

We also like it when guest authors are motivated to answer comments on their articles!  :)

Subject Categories We Will Consider:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • B2B
  • Business Growth
  • Content Marketing
  • Gen-X Life
  • Infographics Cafe
  • Messages From The Midwest (USA)
  • Ohio News
  • Tool And Platform Reviews
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Travel - Mobile Lifestyle
  • Tech
  • Women, Wealth, and Wellness

We May Consider If Tied To The Categories Above:

  • Coffee
  • Purple
  • Wine
  • Innovation
  • Leadership

 What ARE We Looking For In Our Guest Authors?

  • You are a real person, representing yourself.
  • Social profile followings of 500 real followers or more.
  • English fluency.
  • Good command of the topic you're writing about.
  • You care about your online presence.
  • You are a collaborator and believe in the win/win.
  • You see yourself in a different position 5 years from now.

NOTE: Articles submitted by representatives of another individual our entity WILL NOT be accepted as guest posts.  See the Advertorials section below.

Examples of guest posts on our blog:

What Is NOT A Good Fit?

  • Alias identities and stock photos as headshots.
  • Hot social media news that will change in a few months.
  • Poor grammar and text message abbreviations.
  • Purely promotional marketing content.
  • Material that could be construed as a link-building scheme.
  • Foul language.
  • Content that is critical, highly opinionated, or could be offensive.
  • Links to downloads, sales pages, opt-ins, or marketing documents.
  • Content run through a digital language translator.
  • Content with links to gambling sites, cannabis sources, or porn.

Still reading? Submission Guidelines are outlined below...

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media helps you discover what you need to know in eight important steps to a basic social media auditIs an Advertorial what you're looking for?

If you wish to publish something from a content team and link to business profiles on social media, you are probably looking for, what we call, an "advertorial."

These are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and arranged separately.  Please contact us here, with the words, "Advertorial Request," in the subject title.

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Submission Guidelines


  • Original content. Period.
  • 500 or more words of text.
  • 100% permission to use any image included in your guest post.
  • Material with a shelf-life. Evergreen.
  • Optimization for a site-relevant keyword.
  • Content that serves as a resource to brands and business owners.
  • Articles friends, family, and colleagues would be proud to share.
  • Well-formatted content.
  • Full-color, thought-provoking images relating with the text. G & PG-13, please.
  • Value for our readers.  Links lead to information (not sales pages or opt-ins).
  • Cover new ground. Show us something we have not already published about.
  • Good grammar, varied sentence length, correct spelling, and sensible paragraph structure.

How To Get Your Guest Post Published Quicker At Idea Girl Media explained by Editor-In-Chief, Keri Jaehnig

It's Also Nice If...

  • 2-3 links within the post that add value to the article.
  • Ideally the post will have a relating image for each 500 words.
  • Want to use your own images? Groovy (as long as they're eye-pleasing).
  • Post should be in a Word document or Google docs formatted in the way you envision the post appearing when published.

A Few More Things

  • Each submission is reviewed and approved or denied, as best fits.
  • The person that contacts us is the individual listed as the guest author.  Don't tell us that YOU would like to submit a post, and then submit a post with someone else's name on it.  NOT cool - We'll reject it!
  • Articles obviously sent through a language translator will be rejected.
  • Author bios are about the author, not about a business or profession.
  • Website links are not allowed in author bios (we offer links within your article).
  • We reserve the right to edit slightly for SEO & style of blog.
  • Posts less than 500 words are not of interest.
  • Video is okay, but we reserve the right not to embed it. Please link to the video in the Word document.
  • If you've followed the guidelines above, we would work toward the most optimal publish date for the content.
  • Publish date may not be immediate, but our goal is to publish qualifying posts in a timely manner.
  • We would plan to share the post frequently in the first week, and into the future, offering you credit and exposure for your work.
  • We hope you would share the post with enthusiasm. :)
  • Content placed at Idea Girl Media should not be duplicated later at any other locations online without permission.

NOTE: We receive a lot of requests for guest posts, so upon your submission we are often 4-8 weeks from a publish date.  Following the guidelines WILL decrease your wait time.

What's In It For You?

Our guest authors are awesome, and we appreciate their quality efforts. In turn, we reward guest post and advertorial authors with a healthy blog content promotion program.

This includes:

  • Lead image
  • Editing for SEO
  • Initial 7-10 day social share blitz
  • 6 months periodic social syndication
  • Placement in our content bank to re-syndicate into the future as long as the content is relevant

If you can live with the above, and it is a mutually good fit, we would stay open to future blog post submissions and similar collaborative projects.

For us, it's about the relationship. When we hit publish we hope our contact does not end.  :)

Idea Girl Media Quick Guest Post Checklist

Idea Girl Media Guest Post Quick Checklist provided by Keri Jaehnig, Editor-In-Chief

Have you completed all of the items below?

  • 500 words or more original text that fit our blog categories and topics
  • Title, subtitle, and the keyword you optimized for
  • Up to 2-3 external links that are NOT sales pages, opt-ins, or marketing documents
  • You have 100% permission to use all of your included images
  • Your headshot – NO stock images
  • Author bio about YOU with up to 2 social profile links
  • Best email address to contact you
  • The link to your website
  • 3 links to previously published articles noting you as the author

We look forward to seeing your guest post submission.  Thank you for your interest in writing for Idea Girl Media!

Ready to submit your ideas for consideration?