Why Your Business Needs Social Media Done Right

May 27, 2021
Do you really need to peddle your goods and services online? Short answer: YES. Many people are staying indoors, so…...
Why Your Business Needs Social Media Done Right featured image

Do you really need to peddle your goods and services online? Short answer: YES. Many people are staying indoors, so the only way to reach them is to go where they are -- going digital. Find out why your business needs social media done right...

Social Media Done Right: Four Steps All Brands Should Take

Whether you run a small business as a side hustle or lead a larger business, having a social media presence should be part of your company’s marketing strategy. Over three billion people around the world use social media each month. That means your brand needs to engage with them on the major platforms.

Engaging on social media will help you and your business connect with your existing and future customers. This activity also allows you improve your brand awareness and boost important sales by running successful social media campaigns

Tip: The best time to start this social media journey is now. Every brand is new to social media marketing at first, and they all start with zero fans or followers. Simply put: You have to start somewhere. 

Most social media users are habitual scrollers. They will log on and scroll the pages of social media daily, or numerous times per day. In turn, they are regularly introduced to new brands.

On social platforms, your company will compete for attention. Here's why your business needs social media done right. 

Be Seen

If people don’t know about you and your business, they will not be your customers. Social media will broaden your audience and potential customer base through word-of-mouth marketing offered via online social platforms. 

The best way to help your business be seen above the thousands of others out there is by generating content:

  • Make it original
  • Link back to your products
  • Be consistent with your branding

And make it appealing to your target markets. 

Build Reliability

People are not sold on a general web page. They want to see more. That is why they tend to research companies they may purchase from on social media.

An example:

Let's say you're looking for an attorney or law firm and you live in Colorado. You might search on Facebook for nearby options. Your query might bring up a page for Boulder Legal Group and a couple of others. Because you find a content-rich page for BLG, you feel comfortable reaching out to them because they've offered social proof of positive reputation and reliability.

The same could be true for your brand. Great, high-quality content gives the online impression that your business is:

  • Trustworthy
  • Knowledgeable
  • Approachable

It allows customers to begin an experience with your brand, and if done correctly, a direct way to communicate with your team. 

Keri Jaehnig at Idea Girl Media helps brands understand how to evaluate their brand voice during a basic social media audit

Let Your Brand Voice Shine

Customers love supporting businesses, big or small, when they can get behind them and what they stand for. This does not mean you need to be corporate. It’s actually the opposite that attracts customers via social networking.

You want your brand’s personality to shine through. Whether that is serious and informational or being a little cheeky or funny, develop your own brand voice. As long as it is not rude, it will help you stand out. People will then connect, and support your brand. 

Social Media Done Right Encourages Engagement

A simple post can go a long way. It can generate:

  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares

One great social media post can start a conversation and allow customers to interact with one and other as a community.

When you give your brand a human quality and take time to engage, you will build brand loyalty and customer relationships. Companies that use social media marketing effectively also engage by sharing:

And even snippets of behind-the-scenes activities.

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