Are business technology costs a challenge for your company? We've outlined how to decrease IT infrastructure expenditures efficiently and still optimize productivity...
Smart And Frugal Ways To Decrease Business Technology Costs
Technology is important in any business because you can use it to:
- Increase productivity
- Offer better customer service
- Save money
That last one is important!
But a lot of business owners find that the opposite is true and they’re actually spending more money because their technology expenses are so high. They often fall into the trap of thinking that if they just buy all of the latest business software, their business will benefit so it will be worth the money.
...But that isn’t always the case.
If your technology expenditures are a challenge, and it’s causing your company cash flow issues, we've outlined three ways to cut business technology costs in half.
Only Buy What You Need
Here's a secret: Many business owners get drawn in by sales pitches and end up buying expensive software that they don’t really need. Before you spend money on anything, consider whether it will actually add to the business in any way. Listen to salespeople and research to understand the products. Then consider carefully when they tell you what your business really needs regarding software.
Often, the best place to start is by looking at the problems that you’re having in your business. For example:
- Are you having trouble in your marketing department when it comes to analyzing data?
- Is digital marketing taking up too much of your time?
- Are you struggling to keep up with your finances?
Once you’ve identified what the major problems in your business are, you can start looking for software that will help you to solve those problems.
Cut Business Technology Costs By 50%
With a little DIY...
When software creates glitches, it costs you money in lost revenue or extra man hours until you can get things back on track. That’s why it’s so important that this type of turbulence is fixed right away. This usually means calling in an IT specialist.
You can save yourself a bit of money if you learn how to do quick fixes for yourself. Learning how to use Notepad++ on Windows is a good place to start because you can easily alter the coding of software with that. However, if you’re using a Mac, you’ll have to find other program options, because Notepad++ is not available on Apple products.
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Your job is running your business, so you are not going to be able to fix all problems on your own. Tip: Do some investigating to understand where you can easily learn to fix smaller issues that save money. Then you can hire out fixing the bigger snafus that will really make the difference in keeping your operations running smoothly.
Use Less Expensive Hardware
Buying the most expensive laptops for your company does not necessarily mean that your employees will be more effective. In some cases, you might need the most expensive hardware to run the software that your business is using. Tip: The computer salesman doesn't want you to know that normally, you don’t.
A decent mid-range computer can still run the majority of the business software that you and your team most likely use. So there’s no need to purchase the most expensive models.
Smart business managers will want to be sure they have the right hardware and software and have known options for keeping data safe.
Speccy is a program you can download to check the specifications of a computer and check whether your unit is powerful enough to run the software you need. Instead of purchasing more costly hardware packages with lots of bells and whistles you may not use, opt for the least expensive option that meets your needs to save and positively impact your bottom line.
Final Thought
So many businesses waste money on their technology, but if you follow these tips yours does not have to be one of them.