10 BlogWorld 2012 All-Stars & My Stardust Honor Roll #BWENY

June 15, 2012
BlogWorld & New Media Expo – “The “World’s Largest Conference & Tradeshow for Bloggers, Podcasters, Web TV content creators and Social…...
10 BlogWorld 2012 All-Stars & My Stardust Honor Roll #BWENY featured image

BlogWorld & New Media Expo - "The "World’s Largest Conference & Tradeshow for Bloggers, Podcasters, Web TV content creators and Social Media innovators."  I tried a new approach of attending session by topic rather than speaker this time round, check out who made my honor roll!

[caption id="attachment_2845" align="alignright" width="232"]Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media attended BlogWorld & New Media Expo 2012 and shared her stardust honor roll and personal experience #BWENY 2012 Logo[/caption]

All-Stars - Who Would Be On Your BlogWorld 2012 Stardust Honor Roll?

BlogWorld & New Media Expo - "The "World’s Largest Conference & Tradeshow for Bloggers, Podcasters, Web TV content creators and Social Media innovators."

I attended BlogWorld Expo from June 5-7, 2012 in New York City, and opted to attend sessions based on information type rather than by  speaker.  It was also my goal to meet folks I had been communicating with regularly online or that brought some influence to my own work.

My BWENY Stardust Honor Roll

It was a pleasure to meet:

Mike Stelzner

My readers may recognize him as the author of "Launch," and the mastermind behind Social Media Examiner.  After listening to Mike's (@Mike_Stelzner) voice on several webinars, reading his emails and blog posts, it was great to shake his hand!

Phil Mershon

Phil (@Phil_Mershon) is the the Director of Summits for Social Media Examiner, and I've heard his voice many times in webinars over the past few years.  Always professional, always smiley - Enjoyed bumping into Phil in the hallway, and share a few words.

Shashi Bellamkonda

I've followed Shashi (@shashi) on Twitter for awhile, and have always found him to be professional, intelligent, and well-meaning.  I had the privilege of chatting with him in the New Media Lounge between sessions one morning - A delightful beginning to an enlightening day!

Jason Falls

Another guy I've listened to countless times on webinars, it was great to finally hear Jason (@jasonfalls) live!  Even better, meeting him in person - He was kind enough to personally answer my question about Responsive Design, as it pertains to websites and mobile capability. Jason's "No Bullshit" approach to Mobile Marketing was fun.  Where else can you learn that 10% of women admit to texting while having sex??  (Did he really mean that?)  ;)

Dino Dogan

Finally, I got to meet Dino (@dino_dogan) face to face.  He's been energizing my blog for more than a year now, and I was lucky enough to catch him during this talk about Triberr, and energizing a community.  Dino does just that -- The room was full.  And attentive!  He's the only presenter I saw that used the entire room during his presentation.  No wonder Triberr rocks!!  :D

Rob Walch

At BlogWorld, Rob and I met up on the street after Day 1.  We were each walking with friends on our way to evening events.  Rob (@podcast411) had offered some insight to New York City before grabbing a pizza with buddies, but was also kind enough to tell us a bit about podcasting.  Interestingly enough, I found his Twitter information on my "need to catch up with" list once I got home.  So, I guess he is the guy I really wanted to meet, and didn't know it at the time.  We'll be in touch, I'm sure.

Amber Avines

So very cool to meet Amber (@wordsdonewrite)!  We've been Tribe mates for quite awhile now, exchanged posts & tweets, but there's nothing like the face-to-face.  Wonderfully friendly and incredibly insightful, I truly enjoyed taking a few minutes out.  Amber is now working with BlogWorld Expo.

Sharel Omer

Work on a new project led to my online acquaintance with Sharel (@SharelOmer).  He is the CEO and Co-Founder of Commun.it (@commun_it) - A relationships management platform for Twitter.  Sharel is sharp, hard-working, and innovative.  Some of my friends are jealous I had the opportunity to meet and talk with this groovy guy.  ;)

Tin Dizdarevic

Ever heard of the Wordpress Plugin, Zemanta (@zemanta)? Tin is the Director Of Marketing.  He was quite happy to help me understand it's true values to a blogger.  Like a little "on-topic research genie."  I was on the fence with this plugin, but now think I'll install.  Glad to meet Tin.  I think my blog is too!

Bob Dunn

He's like Mr. Congeniality.  Bob (@bobWP) and I met during BlogWorld Expo tweetchats (#BWEChat).  Friendly, and has all the helpful scoop for a BlogWorld newbie.  Need help understanding Wordpress?  Bob's your guy.  Can't wait to know him better!!  :)

Summing Up BWENY

BlogWorld Expo was a whirlwind of informational sessions, networking opportunities, and unexpected bits of fun.  If I were to do it over again, I would spend more time networking at the New Media Lounge and making more real life introductions.

Look for more from me soon on additional connections made at BWENY, and experiences relating with material learned there.

Did you attend BlogWorld Expo 2012?

What were your "stardust moments?"

Please share in the comments box below!  :)

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