10.5 Success Tips For Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like

October 19, 2011
Everybody likes to win, right? If we’re friends on Facebook, or fellow Facebook Page Admins, you might already know about something…...
10.5 Success Tips For Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like featured image

Everybody likes to win, right? If we're friends on Facebook, or fellow Facebook Page Admins, you might already know about something I co-created with More In Media especially for small business owners...

[caption id="attachment_2381" align="alignright" width="300"]Idea Girl Media provides 10 Success tips for Facebook page Admins playing the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like Image inspired by Milton Bradley's Game of LIFE[/caption]

Non-profits, entrepreneurs, and anyone with a Facebook Page wishing to expand their social network and build their business are invited to play along.  It's FREE, it's fun, and it's easy -- With 2 nifty prizes for 2 lucky winners!

Here is everything you need to know about Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game of Like.

Early Enthusiasm

We're on day 2 of the 10-day "Facebook Game Of Like" and already *more than 100 people* have signed-up for the fun!

It's terrific -- Already people are getting to know each other, and they are already earning points for the fun "Like Achievements."  :)

The more the merrier -- Everyone with a Facebook Page is welcome!

So, a handy list for all that play along...

10 Success Tips For Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like

1) Post your Facebook Page Link on the Facebook Event Page Wall.

This is the very first thing to do -- This is how other Facebook Page Admins will become familiar with you and your Page.  And how facilitators will know to begin giving you points for playing! :)

Here is the link: Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game of Like

2) Begin liking other Pages (as yourself).

The purpose of the game is to become familiar with other Facebook Pages and Page Admins.

Be sure to like Idea Girl Media & More In Media first - And tag your Facebook Page so we know you've visited!  :)

3) Use the Tagging Feature.

Idea Girl Media shows how to use the Facebook Tagging featureTagging is one way we are monitoring Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like activity.  You'll be tagging your page often to get the most from the game.

On each page that you like, you should be tagging your own page in a note to say hello.  This helps other Facebook Page Admins reference who they need to visit so they can like your Facebook Page too!

How to Tag: In the picture to the right, notice that there is a link posted and it does appear in blue.  But you'll also notice other words that appear in blue.  You can "tag" a Page by typing "@" before the name of it.  So, to tag Idea Girl Media on Facebook you would type: "@Idea Girl Media."  When the Facebook Page "identity" appears for your cursor, click it to complete the tag.

Bonus: Posts with tags, links, photos & video get more interaction!

4) Observe your surroundings.

As you're liking other pages, take a quick look at what others are doing when you get to their Facebook Pages.

What do you like?  Are there are things you might try with your Page?  Also consider what does not appeal to you.

Suggestion: One of our Like Achievements encourages you to "Buddy Up" with another Page Admin.  Begin thinking early on good sources of collaboration.

5) Invite others.

[caption id="attachment_2380" align="alignleft" width="189"]Idea Girl Media encourages people to invite their friends to play Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game of Like, a Facebook Event Inspired by Milton Bradley's Game Of LIFE[/caption]

See that button that says, "+ Select Guests To Invite?"  Click it with your mouse and invite as many friends as you want to participate in the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like.

Why?  Because the more people that play, the more opportunities we all have to connect, collaborate, and rev-up our Facebook Pages for the upcoming holiday season.

Who knows - One of your friends might invite someone else that connects you to a new business partner, prospective client, or the key that helps you win the game!

6) Begin Like Achievements ASAP!

The "Like Achievements" (inspired by Milton Bradley's Game Of LIFE Life Achievements) are designed to help you easily learn techniques that will help you create a thriving Facebook Page.  These are meant to be fun!

One or two might take a bit of planning, so we suggest you take a look at the list early to decide how you will approach - some or all...?  If you need a collaborator, who will you choose?  Get the list of groovy Like Achievement choices here.

7) Tweet

If you're on Twitter,  why not earn some extra points by spreading the word?  You can tweet as often as you like -- We'll give you 1 point per day you tweet with the hashtag #gameoflike to promote the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game of Like.

Be sure to include the link to the Facebook Event Page.  We've come up with tweets you can simply copy and paste - See Promotional Material here.

8) It's Not Broadcasting

Facebook is all about community.  People want to connect with others and get to know a brand before they buy, or think about buying.

If the only words that people see from you are broadcasts about your products or cause, they will soon tune you out.

While you're ultimate purpose is to rev-up your Facebook Page, think of this as a big party to get to know everyone where you can establish the know/like/trust factor.

9) Unhide Posts

Sometimes Facebook hides posts because their algorithms tag them as spam based on our previous interactions.  These are often posts with tags or links.

This game will be using tagging and linking, so check your Hidden Posts often and "unhide them."

Here's a video that shows you how to do that:

 10) Get the FREE stuff!

Just for playing the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like you get 3 terrific freebies to help you achieve social media success!

  • Social Media Audit Template
  • 7 Game-Changing Ways A Social Media Manager Can Help You Right Now
  • 10 Easy Facebook Tips That Will Engage Your Fans Immediately

But we have to know where to send them.  Email gameoflike@gmail.com and include:

  • Your Name.
  • Your Email Address.
  • Your Facebook Page Name.
  • Your Facebook Page URL (web address).
  • Your Website address (URL).

10.5) Ask Questions!

There are no silly questions.  If there are details you do not understand -- Please ask!!

Tip: Try beginning your Facebook status updates with a question.  You should see higher interaction rates......  ;)

One Last Resource

The ultimate purpose of the Pre-Holiday Facebook: Game Of Like is to give your Page a surge of energy, and you some useful tools to make the most of the upcoming holiday season by using Facebook.

The entire detailed plan is here -- Guidelines, Like Achievements, Promotional Materials, and more.

You might also take a look at my partner's post about it -- Like a glass of orange juice in the morning for your eyes!

Do these details help?

Are you planning to win?

What have you learned so far?

Please share your thoughts in the comment box below!  Feel free to share this post with anyone you feel would benefit.


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